Bryan Ng, founder of Repolywise

bryan ng headshot

Bryan Ng has recently finished his DPhil in Inorganic Chemistry and has founded Repolywise to transform waste plastics into new plastics. The startup uses a novel technology to degrade plastics atomically back into their starting materials, a venture that he exhibited at the 2024 #StartedinOxford Demo Night.

What is your background? What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?
I have been enthusiastic about chemistry since secondary school. Having completed my undergraduate in Oxford I joined a catalysis research group. I saw the commercial potential of one of my projects to complete the puzzle for a circular economy for plastics, and so decided to become an entrepreneur to bring this technology to life.
The ability to build something aiming to satisfy the market need.
With assistance from Oxford University Innovation, I brought the technology to Innovate UK, which kindly funded me £35K on a journey of market exploration.
Perseverance, eloquence and focus. Entrepreneurship is also about connecting with people.
repolywise logo
Meeting people from different backgrounds, learning about them and being amazed by different things every day.
Elon Musk - his dedication towards building SpaceX and Tesla are remarkable.
I would love to learn what he was thinking when he risked keeping SpaceX and Tesla alive with no funding.
Getting the ICURe exploit grant from Innovate UK, demonstrating that our technology is interesting enough to be funded.
Managing expectations is hard but inevitable as an entrepreneur
Various grants from Innovate UK.
High prices of lab spaces are pushing people away from Oxford but the Oxford ecosystem is generally very helpful and people are talented.

Are there any Business or Entrepreneurship Related Courses that you would recommend?

Jamie Ferguson Award, organized by OUI
Student Entrepreneurship Program (StEP), organized by Oxford University Innovation
Business & IP Centre
Innovation to Commercialization of University Research (ICURe), funded by Innovate UK and delivered by Midlands Innovation
Just do it. Don't fear


You can keep up to date with Bryan by following him on LinkedIn. You can also get in touch with Bryan by emailing him at