Hosted by Robert Gordon University
In 2021 Robert Gordon University (RGU) launched a programme for women with parental responsibilities to build their knowledge and confidence to start businesses which would give them flexibility and control in their lives. In 2023 the Scottish Gov Pathways Report made recommendations to increase Entrepreneurial support and opportunities for women and RGU was awarded Pathways Funding to share practice and support two other universities to build capacity to run similar programmes. This workshop will include details of the programme, will engage the audience with some of the activities, discussions and reflections and will include stories from some participants, and from the two universities collaborating in the ‘train the trainer’ pilot: Stirling and University of West Scotland (UWS).
Benefits of attending:
The pedagogies often associated with Enterprise Education can be modified to suit different audiences and dispel stereotypes.
That there are infinite ways to “do business”, pick your own route.
Fun session with case study for programme and inter-university collaboration, course framework, toolkit and takeaways.
Non-members £45
Date |
18/09/2024 |
Time |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Event type |
Online |
Booking required? |
Book Here |