OxLEP Business have been carrying out a rapid review of the various approaches that SME businesses can take to support and demonstrate their purpose driven journey. There are a lot of choices out there...
This review will be presented as a light touch guide, an ‘Exploring Your Business Purpose’.
This ‘guide’ will help you to:
- Explore what your purpose could be,
- Understand how to make the most of whatever time and resources you have,
- Understand what your choice of journeys may be towards the varied options of certification / accreditation; and,
- Know where to get further support
Join this webinar to get the first release of the new OxLEP Guide.
Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme
The Growth Hub programme operates a Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme. All SMEs which receive support under this programme are being aided under the UK Subsidy Control Act (2022) and The Subsidy Control (Gross Cash Amount and Gross Cash Equivalent) Regulations (2022 No. 1186).
MFA allows a beneficiary to receive up to £315,000 of Subsidy over a three-fiscal year period (i.e. the current and previous two fiscal years). The value of MFA given is the gross cash amount or the gross cash equivalent of the subsidy. The MFA value of this webinar is £361.70.
At the end of each financial year, OxLEP is required to tell you the total amount of support you have received from them. By signing up to the event you are consenting to OxLEP holding your data in line with their Privacy Policy - OxLEP Business to allow them to do this. They will only send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting if you opt in to marketing.
Date |
09/07/2024 |
Time |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Event type |
online |
Booking required? |
Book Here |