Fidelity Investments - Company Presentation, Stock Pitch 101, and Internship Opportunity

Fidelity Investments' London office will be hosting a virtual Company Presentation over Zoom on October 15th (Tuesday). Fidelity Investments is a leading global asset management firm that invests in multiple asset classes and strategies worldwide, with $4.3tn in assets under management.

For the opportunity to learn more about Fidelity Investments as well as gain insights into their investing process, please sign up to attend the event.

You will receive a confirmation email closer to the date to inform you if you have secured a place at the event.

We would also like to remind you that Fidelity Investments has also officially opened up applications for its 2025 Equity Research Associate summer internship program. Interns will have the opportunity to conduct world-class research and make their own investment recommendations to their assigned portfolio managers. Top-performing interns may receive a full-time offer into FMR's high-potential Equity Research Associate program. If interested, do apply here:

Date 15/10/2024
Time 17:30 - 18:45
Event type Online
Booking required? Book Here