Grow your Business in West Oxfordshire

The ACCELERATOR programme is designed with structure and flexibility to support your business growth. This taster session will help you to get ready to join the West Oxfordshire Business Accelerator programme starting in September.



If you are registered and trading in the West Oxfordshire District Council area then you can register for this event.


West Oxfordshire Accelerator Programme

The West Oxfordshire Business Accelerator programme is a bespoke, fully funded, package of support designed to help established and trading small businesses to grow and create jobs. You can access up to 30 hours of support delivered through Masterclasses, Facilitated Peer to Peer groups, Leadership Development Programmes and 1 to 1 sessions from a pool of 20+ expert business advisors.

Join our taster webinar to find out if the programme is a good fit for you!


Date 01/08/2024
Time 12:00 - 13:00
Event type Online
Booking required? Book Here