About the programme
Making a Difference aims to provide participants with the key skills, relevant experiences, a network of stimulating people working in the field, and insight into all the career paths possible that together can provide that sense of purpose and impact.
This programme may encourage some students to enter the charity sector immediately, while others may work in the sector alongside other roles, for example, volunteering, or serving as a Young Trustee or as a school governor. Others may combine the roles by working in professional services that support charities and social enterprises.
Taking place over two terms, Making a Difference is made up of inspiring guest speaker sessions in three different colleges and at the Careers Service, a group project in a local charity or social enterprise addressing a real business problem, and in-person training.
Making a Difference is a skills development programme from the Careers Service and Somerville, Worcester and Hertford colleges developed exclusively for Oxford University students.
Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are open until 18 October 2024 (Friday of Week 1, Michaelmas term).
There are 50 places available for the programme. The selection process consists of a short application form on CareerConnect. Successful applicants will be offered a place on the programme and then invited to a launch event for the programme.
After applications close on 18 October 2024, successful applicants will be offered a place on the programme by 25 October 2024 (Friday of Week 2) and then invited to a launch event and first workshop for the programme on 1 November 2024. (Friday of Week 3)
Programme structure
The Making a Difference programme consists of a blend of learning activities and range of experiences: you will learn and work individually, in small teams and as a whole group. The programme will run through Michaelmas term and Hilary term.
Group sessions
The learning activities will be delivered over three afternoon sessions on a Friday, followed by an inspiring speaker and drinks/canapes reception in our supporting colleges. The sessions will be an interactive mix of presentations, guest speakers and group activities covering a range of content relating to starting and sustaining a new venture. They will take place at the Careers Service, 56 Banbury Road, on:
- 1 November 2024, 14:00-16:30, at the Careers Service. Opening talk by Sir Stephen Bubb, Executive Director of the Gradel institute of Charity at New College. Workshop to be followed by speaker presentation (TBC) and networking drinks/canapes at Worcester College from 5pm, kindly hosted by the Provost, David Isaac CBE
- 8 November 2024, 14:00-16:30, at the Careers Service, followed by speaker presentation (TBC) and networking at Hertford College from 5pm, kindly hosted by the Principal, Tom Fletcher CMG
- 15 November 2024, 14:00-16:30, at the Careers Service, followed by speaker presentation (TBC) and networking at drinks/canapes at Somerville College from 5pm, kindly hosted by the Principal, Baroness Jan Royall
You are expected to attend all three Friday afternoon workshops and evening events. While we understand there can be last-minute events that take priority, please plan to attend all the sessions.
Team project
The team project is an integral element of the programme. Closely modelled on the successful and popular Oxford Strategy Challenge (“TOSCA”), you will work in a team to address real business problems set by a charity or social enterprise, probably part of the Oxford Inclusive Economy Partnership. You will be assigned to a team and be introduced to the client before Christmas, receive the training in early Hilary term and then work with the client in weeks 1-5.
Note that the project is a voluntary learning and development opportunity and is unpaid.
Application Deadline Date |
18/10/2024 |
Event type |
Application required? |
Apply Here |