OE Garage - biotech/deep tech

We know some of you are curious about building a technical startup, but what does it even involve? Or, you have an idea, but don’t know how to get started?

In just ONE day, the Garage will introduce you to the world of tech startups - you will be talking to technical founders and operators, teaming up with like-minded peers, and trying your hand at building your very own pitch deck. No prior experience in Entrepreneurship is needed - just bring your curiosity and enthusiasm!

What technology do you think will change the world? Why don’t we have it yet? We invite you to the Garage this term to start meaningful conversations (and maybe ventures!) on these topics.

Applications are now open, and will close at midnight on May 13 (Monday week 4). If you are curious, just give it a go! We look forward to hearing from you.


Application Deadline 13/05/2024

Grassroots Workspace

Oxford Science Enterprises

6 Woodstock Rd



Event type In-person
Booking required? Book Here