OxLEP - Crafting Compelling Business Stories

In today’s dynamic business landscape, the ability to communicate a compelling narrative is an indispensable skill. According to Hollywood screenwriting guru Robert McKee, stories are ‘the currency of human contact’, making them the most meaningful way to reach your customers, clients, and employees.

This webinar will introduce six elements that make a successful story structure. Drawing inspiration from industry case studies, we’ll dissect the techniques that captivate audiences and keep them engaged throughout the narrative journey. From crafting an initial hook that grabs attention to orchestrating a final transformation that resonates, participants will gain actionable insights and strategies applicable to their own business storytelling endeavours.

To ensure that the webinar is tailored to your specific interests and challenges, we have incorporated a dedicated Q&A session.

Your expert

Dr Alison Waller is a writing coach and public engagement professional, with over 15 years of experience dealing in stories. She has taught creative writing at universities and written books on literature and reading. She runs The Writing Path and loves helping people to write effectively and bring their ideas to life.

Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme

The Growth Hub programme operates a Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme. All SMEs which receive support under this programme are being aided under the UK Subsidy Control Act (2022) and The Subsidy Control (Gross Cash Amount and Gross Cash Equivalent) Regulations (2022 No. 1186).

MFA allows a beneficiary to receive up to £315,000 of Subsidy over a three-fiscal year period (i.e. the current and previous two fiscal years). The value of MFA given is the gross cash amount or the gross cash equivalent of the subsidy. The MFA value of this webinar is £361.70.


Date 15/03/2024
Time 12:30-13:30
Venue Online
Event type Webinar
Booking required? Book Here