An in-person company presentation and teach-in session.
13 February 16:30 to 18:30
Ship Street Centre, Jesus College, Oxford
Oxford Alpha Fund
Point72 is a leading global asset management firm, headed by Steven A. Cohen. The fund invests in multiple asset classes and investment strategies worldwide with ~$31.4bn in assets under management. An overview of the Point72 Academy program can be found here.
Point72's US Academy Team will be hosting an in-person company presentation and teach-in session on Tuesday February 13th at the Ship Street Centre, Jesus College. Refreshments will be available from 4:30pm, when you can meet members of Point72's recruitment and Academy teams. The presentation will begin at 5:30pm.
For the opportunity to learn about Point72's world-renowned Academy program, connect with recruiters and the Academy team and gain insights into Point72's investment process, please sign up to attend the event. Spaces are strictly limited. You will receive a confirmation email closer to the date if you have secured a place at the event.