Michaelmas Term 2023, Thursdays 2:00pm Delivered by Dr Alan D Roth, Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence and Visiting Lecturer.
You are invited to register for this course which is open to all postgraduates and academic staff particularly in MPLS and MSD Departments.
Interested in learning how to translate your research and discoveries into commercial opportunities, either as a spinout or an industry collaboration, and to understand how science-based start-up companies are created and developed successfully? Please join us!
The topics covered, over the course of eight lectures, will include introductions to:
• Innovation and R&D/operations.
• Strategy fundamentals.
• Marketing and commercialisation.
• Team building and organisation.
• Start-up finance, valuation and funding.
The sessions will contain theoretical concepts, practical guidelines and case studies also based on the lecturer’s experiences.
All students taking the course will qualify for the continuation of the course in subsequent terms with simulations, further case studies, special topic modules and your own start-up project.
The course has been running successfully in previous years so you will be joining a growing community of Oxford Scientific Entrepreneurs!
Please find further information and testimonials on the course's information page.
Lectures will take place on Thursdays 14:00 – 16:15, starting in Week 1 (12th October 2023) in the Sciama LT, Physics Department, Parks Road.
Date |
12/10/2023 |
Time |
14:00 |
Venue |
Sciama LT, Physics |
Event type |
Course |
Booking required? |
Book Here |