Scientific Entrepreneurship Course

Interested in learning how to translate your research and discoveries into commercial opportunities, either as a spinout or an industry collaboration, and to understand how science-based start-up companies are created and developed successfully? Please join us!


The topics covered, over the course of eight lectures, will include introductions to:

•    Innovation and R&D/operations.
•    Strategy fundamentals.
•    Marketing and commercialisation.
•    Team building and organisation.
•    Start-up finance, valuation and funding.


The sessions will contain theoretical concepts, practical guidelines and case studies also based on the lecturer’s experiences.

The course has been running successfully in previous years so you will be joining a growing community of Oxford Scientific Entrepreneurs! 

Please find further information and testimonials on the course's information page.

Lectures will take place on Thursdays 14:00 – 16:15, starting in Week 1 (17th October 2024) in the PTCL Lecture Theatre, South Parks Road, OX1 3QZ.


A brief biography of Dr Roth is provided below.
Dr Roth is an award winning teacher and Visiting Lecturer at Oxford. He is an organic chemist who has combined his academic career with pharma R&D, investment management/capital markets, strategic consultancy and start-up executive management. 

Starting as a Research Chemist at Merck & Co., Inc. in the New Lead Discovery Department, after his initial academic career he joined management consultancy McKinsey serving leading companies globally. He subsequently became Director at Commerzbank Asset Management in charge of global life sciences investments as well as overall industrial investment research.  He co-founded, took public in the US and was first CEO and CFO of Chiral Quest, Inc., a biotech start-up in the area of chiral pharmaceuticals. 

Now back in academia, in addition to his academic work at the University he is CEO of the Oxford Chemistry spinout Oxford Drug Design which is discovering novel AI-based therapeutics against cancer and resistant infections. He is also a Director at Fitzroy Partners in London developing new life sciences ventures in emerging areas. 

Dr Roth earned his BA (Hons) from Cornell University, MA and DPhil in organic chemistry from Columbia University , and Postdoctoral Fellowship in medicinal chemistry at Oxford under Sir Jack Baldwin FRS. While at Oxford he was the recipient of the Magdalen College Edward Chapman Research Prize.  He is the author of numerous publications and has been Guest Professor at numerous institutions and conferences globally.

Please find more information and sign up to the course using the link below.


Dates Every Thursday from 17/10/2024 - 05/12/2024
Time 14:00 - 16:15

PTCL Lecture Theatre

South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QZ

Event type In-person
Booking required? Book Here