Sunday Start-Up Club Week 1 - West Oxfordshire/Cherwell Business SPARK

Dreaming of being a brewer, baker or software maker, did you know you can get fully funded support to help you to learn how to start your own business?

The West Oxfordshire and Cherwell Business SPARK programmes are fully funded support designed to help you to start your own successful business or create a profitable side hustle. You must live in West Oxfordshire or Cherwell District Council areas to engage with this support.

You can access over 10 hours of support delivered through a range of online events and 1:1 support activities.

Start-up businesses are the lifeblood of a local thriving economy, so we are creating more opportunities for residents to get started right, to secure their first customers and to grow.

This support will be engaging and fun, and is what Sunday's were made for!

This first 2 hour session will include some expert content plus lots of discussions between attendees and your two experts, Grae Laws and Ant Parsons.

Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme

The Growth Hub programme operates a Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme. All SMEs which receive support under this programme are being aided under the UK Subsidy Control Act (2022) and The Subsidy Control (Gross Cash Amount and Gross Cash Equivalent) Regulations (2022 No. 1186).

MFA allows a beneficiary to receive up to £315,000 of Subsidy over a three-fiscal year period (i.e. the current and previous two fiscal years). The value of MFA given is the gross cash amount or the gross cash equivalent of the subsidy. The MFA value of this webinar is MFA allows a beneficiary to receive up to £315,000 of Subsidy over a three-fiscal year period (i.e. the current and previous two fiscal years). The value of MFA given is the gross cash amount or the gross cash equivalent of the subsidy. The MFA value of this support is £723.40 per workshop. Please note this only applies to registered companies / sole traders.

At the end of each financial year, we are required to tell you the total amount of support you have received from OxLEP. By signing up to the event you are consenting to us holding your data in line with our Privacy Policy - OxLEP Business to allow us to do this. We will only send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting if you opt in to marketing.


Date 10/11/2024
Time 08:00 - 10:00
Event type Online
Booking required? Book Here