If your business is based in West Oxfordshire, then you can register for this event. If you are outside of the district, then please register for other OxLEP events.
This webinar is delivered online.
The more success your business has, the more complicated the financial management can get, until you take on expert support. This webinar is designed to make sure that you fully understand your role and responsibilities for financial management in your small but growing business.
Learning Outcomes
• Understanding financial management as a business leader
• Cashflow Management
• Understanding the range of options for financing growth in an SME, and their pros and cons
This webinar is being delivered by:
Richard Holling, Berkshire Dales Ltd, is an experienced business executive with 30 years of business and financial services experience. He has a degree in Banking and Finance, and his career started with the TSB, before moving into technology.
In 2018 Richard changed focus and started to work with start-ups and SMEs. In 2019, after working for 2 start-up Fintech companies serving SMEs, he formed Berkshire Dales, which offers SMEs advice on getting the right business finance, along with other business advisory services. His experience allows him to get under the covers of a business, which allows him to support their financial planning and management.
Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme
The Growth Hub programme operates a Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme. All SMEs which receive support under this programme are being aided under the UK Subsidy Control Act (2022) and The Subsidy Control (Gross Cash Amount and Gross Cash Equivalent) Regulations (2022 No. 1186).
MFA allows a beneficiary to receive up to £315,000 of Subsidy over a three-fiscal year period (i.e. the current and previous two fiscal years). The value of MFA given is the gross cash amount or the gross cash equivalent of the subsidy. The MFA value of this webinar is £361.70.
At the end of each financial year, we are required to tell you the total amount of support you have received from OxLEP. By signing up to the event you are consenting to us holding your data in line with our Privacy Policy - OxLEP Business to allow us to do this. We will only send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting if you opt in to marketing.
Date |
20/02/2025 |
Time |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Event type |
Online |
Booking required? |
Book Here |