Stop Winging it - Getting Your Service Business Ready to Scale

I’ve been there – you’re a small business providing a service. You know your service is absolutely top class and you want the whole world to be using it – after all, why wouldn’t they? It’s that good!

You want to scale. The couple of employees or sub-contractors you have are with you, they know you’re on to a good thing. But here’s the rub: you’re firefighting. You’re so busy you hardly have time to work on the deliverables that are bringing in the revenue, to work on finding leads and to improve the service in those ways you already know you can, forget working on the business itself. Bottom line, the infrastructure of your business is suffering, or most likely, there isn’t an infrastructure there. You’re amazing at what you do, and you’re winging it in your business. Sound familiar?

This infrastructure is the foundation for your growth. If you don’t have it in place, you can’t scale effectively. It’s as simple as that.

On the 17th March, I’ll talk you through developing and implementing that infrastructure. We’ll cover:

1. Your vision and values. This isn’t going to be me telling you to make a Pinterest board and start manifesting. Your vision lays the foundation for your strategy. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you communicate to your team and your customers how you’re going to get there? This is the framework for every decision you’ll make from now onwards

2. Your resources. Who’s working with you, what’s their capacity, what are their skills and where are the blanks? I’m yet to find an entrepreneur who doesn’t create fairly significant time in their diary after going through this step. Yes, really - more time!

3. Your processes. How are things done in your business? If you step away, can it function? Are all your potential leads greeted in the same way? How are you staying on top of your financials? Growing without this in place is chaotic.

4. Your measurement. Great, now some foundations are in place, how can you see what’s working going forwards without constantly searching for the data?

5. Filling in the blanks. Now you have a framework, let’s zoom out a bit and look at your business as a whole. Where are the weak spots?

Bring a notepad, a pen and your best thinking cap. Let’s build that infrastructure and get you where you deserve to be.

Your Expert

Georgey Routen is the founder of the Business Strategy Co, an organisation that helps small businesses in the professional services and lifestyle sectors to develop and implement strategies that ensure growth, profitability, and resilience.

Georgey works with “accidental entrepreneurs” – the people out there who are incredible at their skill, service or trade, and along the way find that they’ve accidentally acquired or grown a business, but don’t necessarily have the business experience to maximise its potential.

Georgey works with businesses to build systems, triple check their processes and helps with all areas of business development.


Date 17/03/2025
Time 12:30 - 13:30
Event type Online
Booking required? Book Here